It is really very important to know how the sound works, how it is transmitted through the air because the sound of music is pleasant and the sound of a motorbike with a destroyed exhaust pipe is unpleasant. But, it is more pleasant and enriching to learn this when the professor puts it before our eyes by using the famous painting by Edward Munch “The Scream”. Sound waves are the sound that comes out of a scientific instrument like the percussion, but sound waves are also the dramatic cry that a human being makes, terrified by an ecological disaster that happens behind him expressed by a literally fiery sky (in the case of the painting from a volcano). If we limit ourselves to percussion, we will learn a few things about sound waves (which we will probably forget in a while). But if we approach the sound waves through the dramatic “Scream” of Munch we enrich our thinking with the drama of modern man, climate change, and the huge forest fires that occur in the Amazon, California, the Grand Canaria, or just outside Madrid, Evia, and Palermo.
Even if students do not know why they are engaging in this procedure in a physics or chemistry class, they will find it interesting as they will escape the strictness of the lesson’s scientific character. The fact of “walking through” the fields of art, the reference to life, the world, and the inspiration of an artist, the analysis of a work of art is always interesting. In addition, it gives thousands of stimuli for dialogue, team building, and collaboration.