Abstract:Students first move erratically in an imaginary line and then move in one direction, representing the oriented motion of energy-carrying electrons to light a light bulb.
Learning objectives: Get to know the students 1. What is electricity? 2. What energy does the electric current carry? |
3. What does this energy turn into?
Teachers’ profile: (team transversality) Physicist
Advisable age of students: (Flexible according to the curriculum of specific country)14 years old
Previous knowledge: What is energy?
How energy is transferred?
Materials: cable, switch, bulb
Phase 1 Duration:15’ Visualisation
Display of the painting of “Night Stroke” by Jonathan Harris
Phase 2 Duration:30 Artistic action and experimentation
Development: Students move erratically around a series of desks. The row of desks is the conductor and the students are the electrons. Then the students move in one direction to transfer energy from the electricity source to the electric bulb.
Phase 3: Duration:45’ Reflexion and debate
We discuss the painting where the lighting stroke is the transfer of electrons from the clouds to the earth carrying a huge amount of energy.Τhen we discuss the concept of electron, electricity, charge and electrical source.
Also the students explore the transfer and conversion of energy from one form to another.