Topic: Atmospheric pressure
Area: Science
Abstract : Atmospheric pressure was taught in the classroom and then the students went to the clay workshop to make the Pythagorean cup. This was followed by a teaching in the laboratory room and a demonstration in a transparent mug of how it works.
Learning objectives: Atmospheric pressure – Hydrostatic pressure
Teachers’ profile: (team transversality): Physicist
Advisable age of students: (Flexible according to the curriculum of specific country) 14 years old
Previous knowledge: The knowledge of pressure
Global development Total duration: 3 hours
Materials: clay
Phase 1 Duration: 10 min Visualisation
Development: Display of images of the mug of Pythagoras.
Phase 2 Duration: 90’ Artistic action and experimentation
Development: Construction of the mug of Pythagoras. The mugs were made from clay by students in a pottery workshop.
Phase 3:Duration: 35’ Reflexion and debate
Development: Class discussion about the results of the construction and operation of the cup. We analyzed the concept of pressure, the role of air and the role of water and the connection among them.