Introducing art to STEM courses is not a simple process that the teacher has to follow individually. It is not only necessary for the whole class to be adjusted, but also for the whole school, for the educational program, and for the state educational process as a whole. This swift towards STEAM is, already, taking place in countries with advanced education systems. (e.g. Finland, and to a large extent the rest of the Nordic countries)
• An educational program that will focus on cooperation in every direction. Cooperation of students with teachers but also the cooperation of students with each other.
• Adaptation of the way of teaching and of the way of dealing with and approaching the learning. But, also, adjustment of the school program both as a whole and specifically of each scientific subject is needed.
• Teacher training in creative teaching methods.
• Development of a method where the cognitive way of teaching will be transformed and will, therefore, include the image, the movement, and the game in the process of teaching and learning.
The latter will, also, be our goal within the framework of the project Creative STEAM (Increase of the secondary school student’s interest in STEAM through theater). We, therefore, have the conviction and declare that a different structure of the school program and its modus operandi is necessary both vertically and horizontally.