Art is based on the image and the virtual representation of reality. The only exception seems to be music which has its own code. However, through this code, it, also, concludes in the creation of images and emotions. For example, Georg Friederich Händel’s “Water Music” and Antonio Vivaldi’s “4 Seasons” manage to create images based on the titles of the works. In fact, their musical composition describes exactly the flow of the waters and the 4 seasons, so that similar images are transmitted to the listener even centuries later. A key element of art is also the discovery and the joy of discovering new things, feelings and experiences.
In watching a work of art (visual, theatrical, musical, etc.) a “dialogue” is created in the mind of the viewer, where the impressions (from the work of art), the emotions they create, the experiences he already has, his memories discuss with each other and employ his critical thinking. In this way art, moves the individual one step further and promotes his humanity and high ideals.
By introducing art to teaching and by converting STEM to STEAM we seek the exact same things.