Topic: Fractions
Abstract: To introduce the notion of “Fractions”, one painting by “Niki Katikl” will be presented linking with the notion of fractions. Then, the students will create a pizza which will represent the denominator in a fraction. Then, they will play to find some fractions and find that a lot of fractions can be equal.
Learning objectives:
– Students will be able to understand the fractions can be equal
– Students will be able to compare fractions
– Student will have the Introduction of fractions
Area: Μathematics
Teachers’ profile: (team transversality) Mathematics teacher
Advisable age of students: (Flexible according to the curriculum of specific country) : 12-14 years old
Previous knowledge: – Whole numbers
Global development
Total duration: 45 minutes
Materials: Chart paper & markers – Construction paper: different colors for the crust – Pizza boxes – construction paper toppings for tracing, if needed
Phase 1 Duration: 10 minutes Visualisation
Development : Niki Katiki “Balance”

Discussion around the artist: Who? What did he do? Lead students to describe the painting presented. Then, link this painting with the notion of fractions. How many squares do we have on this painting ? How many circles ? How many shapes do we have in all this painting ?
Phase 2 Duration: 25 minutes Artistic action and experimentation
Step 1 : The teacher will select a group, it depends how many students there are in the classroom. Ask the student to make his own pizza with all the toppings he/she wants. (mushroom, olive, ham ect …). Be careful the pizza needs to have 8 or 12 parts. It depends on the levels of the students.
Step 2 : After every group has made their pizza, the group will divide in two groups
– “customer” group
– “pizza chef” group
The teacher needs to prepare some papers with instructions and the customer group needs to ask for their order from the pizza chef group.
– I want one part of pizza
– I want half of the pizza
– I want 4/8 of the pizza
– I want a third of the pizza
– I want ….
All the instructions lead the student to order some difficult commands.
Phase 3: Duration: 10 minutes Reflexion and debate
– Why did we organize this activity?
– What do you think about this activity?
– What happens when the customer asks for some pizza?
– What are your conclusions about these games?
– When the customer wants half of the pizza and the 4/8 of the pizza, what do you give to them?
– Do you think some fractions can be equal? Why?
– You made this activity with 8/12 parts but what can we conclude if we will have 30 parts for example?
Comments, possible derivations, and prolongations of the proposal:
We can add some difficulties with the instructions depending on the levels of the group